Friday, October 9, 2009

ओबामा'स उन-नोबले नोबेल

Obama’s Un-noble NOBEL. Posted October 9, 2009

Well we awaken this morning to the announcement from Sweden that Obama has been awarded the Nobel Peaces Prize. The real question is WHY? What has he accomplished that would garner him this so called honor?

I believe the “why” to be based on his stream of international speeches deploring the past behavior of the United States and apologizing for such behavior to anyone that would listen.

With regard to his accomplishments we must recognize that he has nationalized the auto industry, the banking industry, and he is on a path to destroy the best health care industry in the world and another path, through the over reaching Cap and Trade legislation that will bring America down several notches more, and he is in the process of destroying the dollar. What more can he do to destroy the American dream and shred the constitution? First one has to remember that the Nobel committee also awarded Jimmy Carter with the Nobel Peace Prize and oh, was not Jimmy Carter the President that took the United States down a path of near destruction? Now the similarity should ring a bell! The Nobel committee seems to adore U.S. presidents that have agendas that are intent on diminishing the United States. This gesture, on behalf of the Nobel Committee will do little more than stoke Obama’s already bigger than life ego and narcissism and encourage him to move even farther to the left if that is even possible.

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